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Sivummut Solutions
Building Capacity
With Innovative Solutions

Marie-Hélène Racine

Marie-Hélène Racine joined Sivummut Solutions in 2024 after 10 years working for the Government of Nunavut (GN). Marie is a Human Resources Specialist with experience in classification, organizational design, job description writing and recruiting. Before leaving the GN, Marie was the Manager, Job Evaluation and Organizational Development with the Department of Human Resources. Marie was responsible for planning and managing the GN Job Evaluation and Organizational Design Program framework, including the provision of expert advice and guidance to all GN Departments and Agencies. Marie led the evaluation of all GN positions using the Hay Methodology, guided the development of job descriptions, led the evaluation of organizational reviews, analysis, and impact assessments for all major reorgs within the GN.

Marie grew up in Sherbrooke, Quebec where she also graduated from Sherbrooke University with a master’s degree in administration, with a focus on organizational change. Prior to moving to Iqaluit in February 2011, Marie spent four years working and enjoying the outdoors in Lake Louise, Alberta. Since 2011, Marie has called Iqaluit home where she lives with her family.  When not in the office, Marie enjoys cooking, skiing, and spending time with her children exploring what Iqaluit and the surroundings have to offer.

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