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Sivummut Solutions
Building Capacity With Innovative Solutions

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Sivummut Solutions Ltd was incorporated on September 9 th , 2011, and had its main office in Iqaluit, Nunavut until moving to Ottawa in September of 2015.

The vision of Sivummut is to play a part in creating healthy, sustainable and thriving Nunavut communities through building capacity among Nunavummiut.
The Sivummut team is currently providing HR advisory services to multiple Government of Nunavut (GN) departments, agencies and other organizations. The team also has extensive experience in the development of strategies and detailed implementation plans, community consultations and facilitation services.

The 9 member team has a combined 90 plus years of experience working in Nunavut, with over 45 of those years working for the GN in a human resource capacity. Our combined corporate knowledge of the GN, and specifically within the field of human resources, is unmatched.

Sivummut Solutions Ltd has expertise in the following areas:

Community Economic Development
Leadership, governance and board training
Community Consultations and Facilitation
Communications and Public Relations
Strategic Planning
Training and Development
Policy Development
Project Management
Human Resource Management, including:
Performance Management
Development and delivery of HR Training
Staffing and Recruitment
HR policy development
Process Mapping
Organizational Reviews

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